My new things post

How rules keep me out of trouble. Rules keep me out of trouble because when Mrs.mcneil said get in a line and be quiet I got in line and was quiet.  Rules keep me careful because when we were out side Ms Calloway said don´t go in the grass because we would fall in the mud .Here is a example:rules can keep you safe but if you don´t follow them then you can get hurt. All rules can help you get through your day. It will also help you get through life.  What you should have learned was you can do rules anytime and any where . Bye 

My Turkey traper

Tuesday we went to maker space. when we got there mrs.Mcneil told us that we are making a turkey trap. The problem was that we forgot to buy a turkey for thanks giving. The materials that me and Alexus used was card board,craft sticks,foil,news paper, and tape.The plan was that me and Alexumakerspace7s would trap the turkey with a stick and it would get hurt. Me and Alexus came up with how it is going to work we made a box with a stick in the back so when the turkey comes we will drop the box on him so then he will wont be able to get out and he will be hurt. That is what Iturkey-trap-3-4 did at maker space!!! My traper is called turkeynatepresentation3r trap 1,000.


today we looked at a video that was talking about Eco warriors but when we Skype and talked about orangutans. orangutans love fruit because it is healthy for them and we need them.Sometimes orangutan  poop out   what they eat and then it helps the soil the for plants thats why they are a lot of help.I wonder if they can tell when they are helping the soil.

By October 28, 2016.  No Comments on orangutan  Uncategorized   

poke stop in library (fun)

On wen-day we went to the library and Mrs. Alis  told us that we are going to do a poke stop I was kind of scared because I did not know any of the poke Mons names so I wanted to find a good partner that will work with me. My partner was Angel I was so happy I did not want another partner because Angel helped a lot I was so happy and scared that we were going to lose so I told angel lets split up and when we found one we would call each other.When we were done a lot of people won and me and angel were one of them.

#University of houston

Today in science ms.plum and ms. milliner showed us how stuff floats and how stuff dissolve. I learned that if you mix baking soda with vinegar  and raisins the water will fuzz up and the raisins that is could the dancing raisins. The most important safety rule in a lab is being safe and wear goggles. First we sorted the steps so first you need a cup,water,baking soda,raisins,vinegar that is the step. This is also a mixture.file_006




On Wednesday Ms. McNeil  said that we were doing a break out I was so excited. When we went in side  there was one silver box and one wood box that had 4 locks. It was so tricky because we had a lot of stuff  that was a hint. it was a lot of fun I like when Danielle team and my team helped each other.breakout5  breakout9

By October 18, 2016.  No Comments on BREAK OUT  Uncategorized   

what´s my color musical

when we were walking to spring wood´s I was so happy because we were going to see the the spring woods play it was fun when we got there because they gave us a high five. when we got in there it was cold the show started and every body  was cheering it was funny.  I like when at the end we talked to the writer.when bubbles came out and started talking that was my favorite character. Blue and bubbles were so funny. red and the grandpa looked just a like it was scary but when the pink group came out every body was like oh they are so pretty and that is all.Thank you for reading my blog.screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-24-31-amscreenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-21-26-am

#Brittanyworld :)

Hi my name is Brittany. I am nine. I like chicken alfredo. My favorite color is blue. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I spend time with my family and get presents. My hobby is playing volleyball and softball and I practice with my dad. I have three brothers and one sister. We are a sports family. I am in McNeil class there are fifteen students in my class. My favorite place to eat is McDonald. I like  chicken nuggets . I like going swimming because it makes me happy and you get strong by swimming. I fell happy about this blog because you get to tell people what you did today or any day.